H Institute launched in 2017 its Award for Excellence in Education to honor educators dedicated to engraining the culture of excellence in their schools and communities, and thus to empowering students for success and excellence in all aspects of life and not merely for passing school and high stakes exams.

An international panel of renowned and accomplished scholars and leaders in education oversees the Award and ensures that it meets the highest quality standards and follows the most transparent, rigorous, and fair procedures.
Please click here for panel details.
Honoring Ms. Aline Alam of Brumana High School, Brumana, and Ms. Jasmin Majdalany Hourany of Collège Notre Dame, Sahel Alma.
Qualification for the Award goes in four stages through which applicants’ practice and professional circumstances are reviewed against five standards.
The review involves triangulating performance and achievement data collected from different sources. These include: instruction and assessment materials, class observation, surveys, interviews with applicants and their peers and students, written and oral testimonies, and success stories.
Honoring Ms. Jinan Karameh Shayya, of Al-Manar Modern School, Ras el-Matn, and Mr. Toufic Haddad of Hariri Public Secondary School, Nehme.
Standards are about student (and teacher) empowerment with 4P profiles of well-rounded citizens with progressive minds, productive habits, profound knowledge, and principled conduct in all aspects of life.